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- Mercy Update End of September
Mercy Update End of September

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“Be, therefore, imitators of God as beloved children. Walk in love, even as Christ also loved you and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling fragrance.” - Ephesians 5:1-2
Here at Mercy Indonesia, we are busier by the day. As needs arise in the nation, so does our faith in meeting them!
Here are some pressing prayer requests, praise reports, and updates to keep you on track with your work in this country!
Prayer Requests
Dean Manaseh
Last week, one of our children, Dean Manaseh, from Mercy Home Sorong (West Papua), suddenly became sick and had to be rushed to the hospital.
Dean Manaseh
When examined by a doctor, the results showed that his platelets had decreased. This is a symptom consistent with illnesses like Dengue Fever.
The doctors have been working to stabilize his condition and keep his strength up to fight the virus.
Thank God his condition is improving, and he’s showing signs of slow recovery.
We ask for support in prayer so that Dean can make a speedy, complete, and miraculous recovery.
Alber - Mercy Home Nias
Alber is one of our orphans with special needs. Located in Nias, he suffers from a developmental disorder and regularly experiences pain in his nerves.
This pain has caused him to be unable to move his body, and he is undergoing routine therapy so that his muscles and nerves can work normally like other children his age.
Alber receiving therapy
We asked for continued prayer and support for Alber so that he can one day walk and live a normal life.
Alber going through strength therapy
Praise Reports
Generous Donations
Back at our home base in Mercy Denpasar, our children received food and necessities from the Bali Provincial Social Service this week.
Children and staff (left) - Social Services (right)
A Growing Prison Ministry
Meanwhile, our Prison Ministry in Bali has been growing with even more sign-ups for the Character Development School.
For the first time, we have sign-ups from overseas inmates: two from Ukraine and one from Nigeria.
Foreign inmates (right) with director Rudy (left)
Congratulations to two of our graduates!
Last but not least, we recently celebrated the graduation of two of our children from High School.
We are so proud of the achievements of Alex and Rian, who, with perseverance, completed their studies.
They had always dreamed of being able to graduate. Thanks to our partners like you, not only have they realized their dreams, but they can now continue to pursue a college education!
When they win, we all win.
Ps. Paulus and Marliyesye with Alex and Rian
Thank you for your support!
By Donating through Kinship United ensures every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, outreach, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.
You can also visit us at https://imercyindonesia.org