Welcome to iMercy Indonesia

If you’re getting this email, it means you are a leader, a life changer, a healer, and a trusted partner. 🤝

From children in need of homes to establishing clean water and stronger buildings, Mercy Indonesia promises to do all the footwork necessary to make your generosity take root and come to life in this nation.

Every other week we’ll update you with the most exciting stories of how lives are being made better across the nation of Indonesia with your support, as well as the most pressing needs.

But first, we want to make sure you 100% want to come on this journey with us! To make sure you get our emails:

  1. Reply ‘Mercy’ to this email

  2. If this email made its way into your Spam or Promotion folder, please move it to ‘Primary.’

Watch this Video Testimonial

You can also visit us at https://imercyindonesia.org/