Summit and Gala Dinner Update

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24

We are just coming off of a wonderful Summit and Gala Dinner where we were able to encourage our leaders and celebrate our partners.

For those who couldn’t attend, thank you for being with us in spirit. We want to share the incredible time we had and update you on anything you might have missed!

Mercy Manager Finus Speaking

Revisted By Our Former Children and Students!

As we’ve said, we aim to rescue children from their past, enrich their present, and secure their future. This moment was a testament to that calling!

Some of our former students and Mercy children came to visit and say a big hello and thank you to everyone who supported them.

Some went on to become staff, others have already started families with children of their own.

Among them was one of our very own managers, Rofinus, who told his story of coming to Mercy Home Atambua and thanked everyone for the support they gave.

Panel Discussions from Our Fearless Leaders

Q&As are a great way to pull the gold out of people we look up to.

Here, we got an insight into how our leaders stay faithful to their calling in the hardest times and why Mercy is their chosen path to do so.

Beautiful Praise & Worship

We were also blessed by worship and musical performances that touched everyone’s hearts—including a song sung by one of the children from Poguwatu Village (leperous village) in Sumba, Domi, who was born blind.

We then prayed over him, his family, and the people of the village who we started helping several years ago.

Domi singing

A Successful Board Meeting and Leadership Injection

Among our Summit activities were a board meeting and leadership meetings. Some of our leaders and partners came from overseas to be a part of our reports, plans, and strategies for the future.

We’re happy to announce that Mercy Indonesia is healthy and, with your continued support, has BIG plans to reach even more lives here!

We also had pastors like our very own Paulus Wiratno, Rod Plumber, and Mitchel Varlow encourage our Department Leaders from all over Indonesia.

A Word from Our Partners

Click here to view Jeff’s testimony

A big thank you to our partner Jeff Welch from Australia for representing Imagine Nations Church, spending time with us, and imparting wisdom to the attendees. And thank you for the kind words!

We hope to see more partners come to be a part of what God has called us to do in Indonesia,

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

Thank You

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