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- Reformed inmates in Indonesia
Reformed inmates in Indonesia

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"For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building." - 1 Corinthians 3:9
Have you ever thought about ministry as co-working with God? We love seeing our mission through that lens because it drives purpose and reminds us that we aren’t doing this alone.
Thanks to the Hand of God and the generosity of partners like you, we get to work together on this mission to bring hope to Indonesia!
This week, we highlight a testimony from our prison ministry reminding us that your work with us changes lives.
Prison Ministry Update: No sin too big for God, no soul too far gone
Our prison ministry has been growing exponentially through the last couple of years. With collaborations, overseas visitors, character injections, and educational processes, Mercy has helped shape and establish the reformation process of some of Indonesia’s most notorious prisons.
Currently, increasingly more inmates are interested in attending the School of Integrated Personality Development (SPKT) classes, and our school has reached 40 residents.
Of the residents, one testimony of a newly released prisoner named Kornelis Kale stands out.
Kornelis was released on 04 August 2024 after approximately two years in Kerobokan prison. He was admitted to prison for sexual offenses.
At the beginning of his stay, Kornelis was terrified, facing the consequences of his actions surrounded by people he didn’t know, trapped behind bars.

Kornelis Kale (blurred) prayed for by prison ministry leader Mr. Rudy
Despite his fear, he continued to attend correctional facilities, and for several months, he regularly attended religious services.
One day, after a worship service, he heard of the integrated personality development school held by Mercy Indonesia in prison, so he registered himself.
After attending classes, he stated he was incredibly blessed and no longer afraid. He now realizes that he is not alone.
“I realized that all this time, I had forgotten God.”
While attending the integrated personality development school, Kornelis repented, reformed, and reengaged. He diligently participated in the program and even started participating in the ministry, helping to document spiritual activity reports in prison.
Kornelis is now released, and he has testified in front of other prisoners before his release that God has been a great help in his life during his time in prison.
There were days he even went without food because none of his family in Bali came to visit him. He testified that when he was hungry, there was always a friend in the prison who was moved by God to give him food.
From his experience with Christ and attending the SPKT class, Kornelis promised to be faithful to God and no longer desires the acts of his past.
He always fills his time with positive activities, like reading books, serving, and studying the Bible.
This is proof that God has never abandoned him. There is always help for him as long as he is willing to repent and surrender to God.
Through this ministry, we hope to continue to be the light to the lost in this nation. Thank you to all our sponsors and partners who have come all the way to Bali to preach and pray over the inmates!
Thank you for your support!
BDonatingthrough Kinship United ensures every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, outreach, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.
You can also visit us at https://imercyindonesia.org