Prayers Answered and Requested

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God." - Philippians 4:6

Mercy runs on the power of prayer and the currency of compassion. Every win and every life saved results from our partner’s prayers and generosity.

This week, we want to highlight both prayers answered and prayer requests for the needs of our children!

Mercy Sorong Finally Receives New Beds.

Praise report: The children at Sorong Mercy Home received several wooden bunk beds.

Everyone was overjoyed because they had been waiting for better beds for a long time.

Finally, God answered their prayers through the hands of good people who wanted to bless them!

Mercy Radio Borneo radio broadcast room

Mercy Radio Borneo’s Momentum Continues!

Our Radio Borneo FM team is running full steam ahead because of your prayers and God’s grace.

Radio Borneo FM is now actively engaged in collaborative activities with various organizations and government agencies to increase awareness so that the public and government know them better. This can even increase the radio's income.

Radio Manager Julianto (middle)

This week, Mr. Julianto (Manager of Radio Borneo FM) is collaborating with BPS in Singkawang City, West Kalimantan Province.

Thank you for your support and following this story in real time!

Urgent Need for Prayer!

Sintia, one of the children from Mercy Home in Sumba, urgently needs your prayers.

For a short time, Sintia had been suffering nosebleeds and head pain. When these symptoms grew worse, and her body began to swell, our staff brought her to the hospital for treatment.

When checked at the laboratory, Sintia was diagnosed with Kidney Disease.

Sintia in the hospital with Mercy Sumba leaders

Currently, Sintia has returned home and is undergoing the healing process. Sintia will be routinely monitored at the hospital until the disease completely disappears.

Please keep Sintia and the health of all our children across the nation in your prayers.

Thank you for your support!

We always want to make sure people have the opportunity to make a difference.

By donating through Mercy Care, we ensure every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, outreach, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

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