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- New project in Sumba
New project in Sumba

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves.” - Colossians 1:13
Isn’t it great to know the battle has already been won? We live in redemption and salvation through His sacrifice.
We love approaching our mission with this mindset. No matter how hard or daring things seem, we can always rely on the fact that we operate from a place of victory.
Wherever you are reading this today, know that you have been brought into His Kingdom, and we get to work together for His purpose.
Powerful Business Seminar with Dr. Tony Foster
At the beginning of November, our long-time partner Dr. Tony Foster came to discuss “Discipleship through Marketplace” - how everyone can serve God through their work, business, and entrepreneurship.
With the marketplace, we can disciple people, bring the love of Christ into our workplace, and reach lost souls.
The seminar touched the hearts of our staff and challenged the culture of believing business and ministry can not coexist.
Our staff is now confident that God's purpose can be outworked in the marketplace. In fact, through business, many people can come to know Jesus.
Dr. Tony and Margaret Foster (front right)
Mercy Rote Orphanage Update
This week, we are highlighting some of our activities on the island of Rote.
Our Mercy Rote children recently received backpacks and supplies from the National Police Chief at the Rote Ndao Police.
The gifts were provided for the 11 children in the orphanage and 19 representatives.

Mercy Rote children with their gifts
Mercy FM Radio Ambon
In other news: our Mercy FM Radio team in Ambon has just finished conducting a training session held by a local university specializing in political science and communications.
The training was attended by students from various majors eager to improve their professional communication skills.
One of the sessions was held by Rodrich R. Ralahalu, a Mercy Radio Ambon Broadcaster considered experienced enough by the university to present a session regarding the roles and techniques of a broadcaster and Music Director.
His presentation provided in-depth insight into broadcasting, including the technical and creative skills required to produce engaging and professional radio programming.
We are grateful that Mercy Radio has become a blessing for the people of Ambon, especially young people and students.
Mr. Rodrich R. Ralahalu, Mercy Radio Ambon (center)
Poguwatu Village (The Leporous Village)
Many of you have been following our mission with Poguwatu village for several years.
Our vision is to make Poguwatu Village, once-forgotten and isolated, a better place than before.
Little by little we have been developing this village to become a fully self-sufficient community.
We’ve already established several clean water wells and a child education center. We also regularly send relief packages to the villagers.
Our most recent initiative in Poguwatu is to build a Community Development Center to empower the adults in the village.
Here, the adults will be able to carry out worship, meetings, training, and other constructive activities.
At this stage, we have obtained the land to build the center. To continue, we still need funds for the building materials and workers.
Mercy Sumba staff singing land agreement
For those who have a heart for this village and have been following its incredible progress, we ask for continued support to see this through!
Land plot for the Community Development Center
Thank you for your ongoing support!
When you donate through Kinship United, every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, outreach, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.
You can also visit us at https://imercyindonesia.org