Helping build a future for the kids

“—I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead… - Philippians 3:13

This week, we remember why it is we do what we do. This all started with an urgent desire to rescue children in need in Indonesia.

We work to heal them from their past, enrich their present, and secure their future.

So let’s dive in and look at how our kids are doing and how your donations are impacting their lives!

Mercy Orphanage Atambua Learns to Plant!

In Atambua, where the land is rich with soil we teach our kids how to garden and plant.

This time we focused on planting bananas which are a key part of improving nutrition for children.

Not only do the children get to eat the food they plant, but we teach them to use the garden produce to sell in the local markets to generate income.

The gardens at Mercy Atambua have been growing well, just like the children!

Mercy Orphanage Rote!

Meanwhile, in the farm-rich lands of Rote, we’ve been teaching the children to raise and sell chicken to generate income.

In more positive news for our Rote home, our children just received two generous food donations from people around the area.

It’s a blessing to know that we’ve also touched the hearts of the locals and have moved them to compassion!

Once a Mercy Home Orphan, Now a Soldier in the Military

Recently, one of our children, Swingly Fui, from Mercy Home Rote has become a soldier in the Indonesian Military!

For context, being a part of the military in Indonesia is one of the highest honors. Soldiers are among the most trusted and respected in society and becoming one opens the doors to amazing future opportunities.

Swingly Fui (Middle, Back)

This is another incredible example of what our children can achieve in the future if you plant the seeds early on!

Want to See the Blessings Continue?

Mercy Indonesia runs on the currency of compassion—people who are willing to be disturbed and take action for others.

That’s why partners like you pave the way for us to be the hands and feet of God.

Do you have a heart to help people in need in Indonesia?

By donating through Mercy Care, we ensure every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, schools, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

Thank You

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