A Praise, a Party, and a Prayer

I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. - Isaiah 41:13

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again; we consider you a partner who’s helping lead the charge to change the very face of the nation of Indonesia. Our job today is to make sure you know exactly what’s going on even from miles away.

This week, here’s what’s happening on the ground: A praise, a party, and a prayer!

Praising God for A Visit from ImagineNations!

During our Sunday worship, we were blessed with a visit from our friends at ImagineNations Church, one of our long-time partners and largest donors.

Did we mention we love our partners? Every single one is a dear friend and a great supporter of the mission and vision we have here at Mercy Indonesia.

We love visits from our friends around the world. Not only do they get to see what they’re impacting with their own eyes, but we get to give them a taste of unparalleled Indonesian hospitality (🌶️ with just a hint of chili 🔥).

A Celebratory Visit from a Political Party

This month, our Mercy orphanage in Nias (North Sumatra) was visited by the PERINDO Party also known as The Indonesia Unity Party. This group was founded in 2014 by Hary Tanoesoedibjo [tan’oh’soh’deeb’jo], a business partner of former president Donald Trump.

The party members came to celebrate the 9th anniversary of their founding. The orphanage received donations of rice, cooking oil, eggs, sugar, and tea leaves, during the visit.

Events like these are a solid reminder that all eyes are on us to make a difference in this nation, and set an example for other organizations to follow!

Calling for Prayers in Support of Mercy Radio

Several radio stations in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province had experienced severe issues when broadcasting. As a result, the broadcasting of all programs had halted leaving many waiting to hear from the radio again.

To overcome this, our head of Mercy Radio, Dance [dan’cheh], toured the region visiting each radio station to repair the damages.

At the moment, Radio Cahaya Sumba is now broadcasting again!

Dance has arrived on Rote Island to visit Radio Swara Malole Rote, to fix any problems with broadcasting.

We ask that you take some time to support us and Dance in prayer so that everything will continue smoothly.

The Mercy Radio is a lifeline and companion spreading the Good News to those who are isolated and sometimes forgotten.

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