More good news!

"Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else."- Galatians 6:4

Every new improvement, success, and initiative is a sign that we are taking more territory away from the enemy and winning it over to the Kingdom.

We have a lot of good news to share this week, and we hope each story encourages you to consider your work with us a job well done!

Radio 89.4 Borneo FM is back on the air!

Last week, we gave an update on the upgrades and renovations at the Mercy Radio station in Borneo.

We’re happy to announce that after a lengthy process, Radio Borneo finally returned to air this week and blessed the island of Borneo (Kalimantan)!

The station's wide reach historically brought in many new listeners.

Even more good news: thanks to an agreement between Mercy and the landowner, Pak Herry, the land on which the station is being built is secured for our use for the next 15 years.

Mercy Radio Borneo radio broadcast room

We want to thank the sponsors for their kindness and always paying attention to our radios' needs.

With God's help and continued sponsorship, Mercy Radio Borneo can continue to stand firm and win souls for Jesus.

Blessing the elderly in Bali

Those who have followed us for a while know that we’ve focused a lot on caring for older people in Bali, our home base.

The Jembrana Happy Elderly Home, led by our former students, was recently visited by another elder, Miss Grace Simon.

During her visit, she was moved by the work being done but also noted the unmet needs.

One of our focuses has been helping provide clean water for every resident.

In response, Miss Grace donated a water filter that draws and cleans water from the well. Now, residents can enjoy safe, clean drinking water directly from the well.

Jembrana Happy Elderly Home new water filter

We want to thank Miss Grace Simon for this significant contribution!

Leading the way to Sumba!

Leading The Way recently organized a mission trip with Mercy Indonesia from 10-17 July 2024.

The purpose of their visit was to document all the results of the Mercy Team after receiving 5,000 Leading The Way Audio Bibles packages.

During the few days they were here, they interviewed several Mercy Indonesia partners who had felt the impact of using these audio bibles.

Each partner even shared them with others while serving or working and distributing several Audio Bible boxes to areas.

In addition to their travels, they witnessed Mercy Indonesia's services in Sumba and experienced the lengths the team goes to reach remote areas that can only be reached by foot!

Some of the Mercy Team and LtW team walking to the village

Reach Beyond sends their expert to assist with radio repairs!

Trevor, a radio technician from Reach Beyond, visited Mercy Indonesia from July 12th to 20th.

His visit was instrumental in ensuring smooth communication across Mercy.

Trevor (left) assisting the head of Mercy Radio, Mr. Dance (right)

He not only repaired malfunctioning radio transmitters from different regions but also helped prepare Radio Rasinda FM for a seamless transmitter upgrade.

Thank you again for your hard work, Trevor! And thank you, Reach Beyond, for your support.

Thank you for your support!

By donating through Mercy Care, we ensure every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, outreach, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

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