End of June Mercy events and updates

"Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart." - Proverbs 21:2

Our work continues! From taking in more children to graduating students and discipleship training, here are some amazing events happening in Mercy today!

Mercy Home Sumba takes in two more babies!

Several weeks back, we shared a testimony about an abused mother taking her son into the safety of Mercy Home Sumba’s care. (If you missed it, you can read it here).

Since then, Mercy Sumba has become one of our first locations to specialize in taking in babies.

This month, two more abandoned toddler brothers were taken in. The mother, who left overseas to be a female worker, separated from her husband and left them with a friend.

The two brothers (left picture)

The friend, unable to care for them, called Mercy Sumba after hearing about their story of taking in David.

Mr. Petrus and Mrs. Debora went to their house and received the children. The team was overjoyed to receive them and is ready to look after and care for these two brothers.

Thank you to all Mercy Sumba supporters! In addition to usual expenses, we are now covering expenses for diapers, formula, and clean baby clothes.

Being a disciple to make disciples

Mercy hosed a Discipleship Training with the theme "Being Disciple to Make Disciples," delivered by Ps. Rich & Annie Witmer, our guests from Arizona and Pastors of Destiny Church.

The two-day training (19-20 June 2024) at Mercy Denpasar aimed to equip leaders to carry out their services in response to the Great Commission (God's Word).

Rich Witmer (Grey shirt, holding mic)

Many leaders around Bali attended the training, and the feedback has been wonderful. Many have already expressed a desire to come back the next time we hold a training.

More Mercy orphans graduate!

We love honoring our graduates. They’ve worked hard and endured so much in their short lifetime.

This month, three Mercy Atambua children and one Mercy Denpasar child have graduated:

Matthew Apriado (Junior high), Yosefina Tiara Soares (Elementary), Dimas Olivera graduated (Junior high)

And at Mercy Denpasar, Kadek Ayu Oktaviani (Junior High School)

Mercy Atambua graduate

We can’t wait to see what they do with the next chapters of their lives and education.

From all our students, thank you for your support!

Do you have a heart for helping people in need in Indonesia?

By donating through Mercy Care, we ensure every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, schools, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

Thank You

You can also visit us at https://imercyindonesia.org