Church Makeover projects have started

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us… - Ephesians 3:20

The work has started!

Our Church Makeover program is busier than ever with the start of the latest project, Ekklesia Oaem Church.

Ekklesia Oaem Church Renovation

We’ve also made progress with the construction of the Saint Paul Laus Chapel Church, reaching the stage of installing ceramics and ceilings.

Saint Paul Laus Chapel

These projects are planned to be finished and inaugurated by April 2024. Do you want to help us inaugurate the buildings and bless the community?

Mercy Tour: Come Visit Us!

Do you or your ministry teams want to visit us and directly impact the lives of Indonesians?

Almost every month, we’ve had successful visits from our overseas partners ready to preach, teach, and serve the people of this nation with their gifting.

We’d love to see you too!

We’re here to help set you up with everything you need, like transportation, sleeping arrangements, and itineraries.

If you want help planning a trip to Mercy Indonesia, contact our team, and let’s start preparing your stay to be the most joyful one you’ve ever had!

Contact our team on WhatsApp at +62-878-6225-1663 and let us know you’re interested in visiting.

Don’t use WhatsApp? You can email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

Thank You for Being Our Partner

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