Breaking New Ground

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“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” - Philippians 4:9

As important as it is to understand compassion and generosity, it’s crucial that we put it into practice.

We are not just hearers, but doers, and that’s part of why we love sharing everything Mercy is doing through your kindness and compassion! It’s proof that are partners are putting the Word into practice, and reaping peace as a reward.

Radio Mercy FM Soe

At Mercy Indonesia, we work hard to form positive, trusting relationships with the government surrounding each of our locations. One of those relationships are between Radio Mercy Soe and the Provincial Broadcasting institution (PBI).

This week, Mercy Radio Soe received an exciting visit from the Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPID) of East Nusa Tenggara Province.

Our radio managers and staff experienced high-value training, direction, evaluation, and advice regarding the broadcasting of key topics in the region.

Mercy Radio staff with officials from KPID (White shirts)

All involved believe that Radio Mercy Soe will become a force for change for the people of Soe City and its surroundings.

Church Planting in Partnership with Live Connections7: Testimony from Ps. Iwan Prisman Waruwu

Shalom. Praise God, we feel God's perfect inclusion in our ministry, especially in the process of building our second church.

The congregation has showed lasting joy as they stick with us.

Currently, we are at the groundbreaking stage for our church. We are confident that with this unity of faith, God will open the door to blessings for the building of His church.”

Creating the foundation of the second church

“We also witnessed an extraordinary miracle when we visited a resident's home, where their one-and-a-half-year-old child was seriously ill, with no hope of recovery.

We kept praying and praying, but the child's condition did not improve. Then, God spoke to my heart, revealing that the family members needed to forgive each other first.

I conveyed this message to them, and they followed suit. Praise the Lord! Suddenly the child woke up and asked for food and drink, and the pain disappeared completely.

To this day, the child has never complained of pain again. This miracle is truly extraordinary.

Additionally, among the many people we have evangelized and taught about baptism, we have successfully baptized 4 souls.

Baptizing 4 new believers

We are very grateful, realizing that this is evidence of God's presence through the Holy Spirit, which makes our ministry fruitful. All praise is due to God alone.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Live Connection for the support they have provided over the years.

This support is an important part of every step of the ministry and the miracles we witness. May God bless Live Connection always!” — Ps. Iwan Prisman Waruwu

Thank you for your support!

By Donating through Kinship United ensures every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, outreach, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

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