4th of July - preschool updates

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." - Proverbs 22:6

First, for all our American partners, Happy 4th of July!! We hope you get to enjoy and celebrate the day with your families. Be sure to throw an extra steak on the grill for us!

As for Mercy—this week, we are focusing on our education efforts, specifically pouring into our preschools nationwide. Take a look at some of the achievements you’ve helped us accomplish and some areas in which we need support!

Mercy Anugerah Balu Soe Preschool (PAUD) 4th Graduation!

This week, Preschool Mercy Anugerah Balu Soe celebrated the Graduation of 8 of our students. This is the fourth class that Mercy Anugerah Balu successfully graduated this year. 

All parents who attended the event expressed their gratitude for each lesson the teachers gave. They are so proud of how quickly their children have developed intellectually and spiritually.

Several attendees thanked Mercy Indonesia personally for paying attention to the educational needs of their village.

4 of the 8 graduates (Mercy Preschool Soe)

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to all sponsors and donors whose generosity has empowered Mercy Anugerah Balu Preschool and its children to reach new heights!

Building the Future of Our Children in Rote: Mercy Rote Preschool

It all started in Rote Island. Many local children were eager to learn but faced with limited educational resources.

That's when Mercy Indonesia stepped in. Ps. Paulus Wiratno and Ps. Marliesye Wiratno, our leaders, knew they had to act, even with limited funds. So, they started Mercy Rote Preschool!

But there was a problem: the first classroom wasn't exactly spacious. In the beginning, we had to use a borrowed 4x3-meter building for 54 energetic students!

Small building used for 54 students in Rote

Exciting news! Thanks to the help of our partners, the permanent building for Mercy Rote PAUD is finally taking shape!

We built the foundation and have just finished the roof, but there is still much more to go!

Current progress Mercy Rote Preschool

The next steps are plastering, flooring, doors, windows, and fiber for the piping.

Fiber is essential because this dry region desperately needs clean water, which will be a game-changer for their basic needs.

We ask for your ongoing support in our mission. We’re looking forward to finishing the building and having our students return so we can continue giving them hope for a future!

Mercy Rote students

From all our students, thank you for your support!

By donating through Mercy Care, we ensure every dollar funds the resources needed to support our orphanages, schools, and projects that aim to bless locals (Church Makeover, Prison Ministry, Disciple Makers, Radio Ministry, and more).

—or email our founder and CEO at [email protected] for more information.

You can also visit us at https://imercyindonesia.org